[OLPC-DE] Vormerken: C5-09
Bert Freudenberg
bert at freudenbergs.de
Do Jun 12 10:52:54 EDT 2008
Hier ist die Ankündigung der nächsten C5-Konferenz, dieses Jahr wieder
in Japan. Bitte merkt das Datum vor, und verteilt die Ankündigung
Plan to participate in the Seventh Annual International C5 Conference.
Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing
January 19 - 22, 2009
Kyoto, Japan
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Join us at the 7th annual gathering to learn and share about recent
work in the areas of collaborative systems, connecting people around
the world through computing, and creating new media for business,
social development, learning and play!
The C5 conference is for researchers, software developers, educators,
designers, and technology users who are concerned about developing and
enabling human-oriented creation, connection, and collaboration
processes. C5 is an international forum for presenting ongoing work as
well as new work currently under development and for discussing future
needs and directions in creative computing and multimedia authoring
Conference sessions will include invited talks, including one from Dr.
Alan Kay, Viewpoints Research Institute, formal paper presentations,
hands-on workshops, informal "un-conference" and "lightning" sessions
as well social and sightseeing events.
Our call for papers (CFP) will be published shortly, with your
timeframe for submission, but for now, please save the date and plan
to join us in lovely, Kyoto, Japan!
-- The C5-Organizing Committee
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