[OLPC-Chicago] Fwd: taking an XO to uganda for 2 weeks

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Fri Jan 4 00:31:37 EST 2008

Bringing a laptop to Uganda would be a great thing to do.  I could lend 
you my laptop, though it's always been a little odd with networking. 
But I don't really know if that's a problem with the machine, or the 
networks I'm around, or what.  I'm copying Brian Fitzpatrick at Google 
in Chicago, as they might have extra laptops (they have had some in the 
past).  Also copying the Chicago OLPC group in case anyone else has one 
to spare.

In summary for those just now copied: Andrew is looking to borrow a 
laptop for a trip to Uganda, and he's in Chicago and leaving (I think) 

Mel Chua wrote:
> (note to those who don't know: Andy is home in Wisconsin.)
> I'm getting back to Chicago on Monday, dagnabbit. So I'll just miss you
> and won't be able to loan you my machine. Will you/Ben/Matt/etc have net
> access while you're there? As a fallback plan, you could always install
> Sugar on your laptop and take along some pics/saved wiki pages for offline
> reading.
> Map of some laptop users in the Chicago area (one Wisconsinite)
> http://thepete.com/olpcxolpotd-frappr-xo-laptop-user-map/
> Ian Bicking (cc'd here) is in the Chicago area and might know how to get
> in touch with people with XOs faster.
> Btw, the last email should have read "If you're in Boston and the 1cc
> office has no spares..." not "If you're in Boston the 1cc office has no
> spares..."
> -Mel
> On Thu, January 3, 2008 22:27, Andrew Pethan wrote:
>> Yup im home i'll email you tonite
>> ap
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mel Chua [mailto:mel at melchua.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 7:52 PM
>> To: Andrew Pethan
>> Cc: Samuel Klein; Gregory Marra; Nicole Lee
>> Subject: Re: Fwd: taking an XO to uganda for 2 weeks
>> Andy, where are you right now, seeing as it's winter break? If you're
>> home, there are some Chicago-area folks that might be able to loan you
>> their XOs. If you're in Boston and the 1cc office has no spares, there
>> should be profs/staff around Olin who can unlock doors and things for
>> you; I've visited during winter break before.
>> -Mel
>> ps. I'm back on the internet, kind of. ;) Happy New Year!
>> Andrew Pethan wrote:
>>> I am getting on the plane at around 6am Sunday morning.  If I can get
>> an
>>> XO that would be awesome, but either way, would love to meet with your
>>> UNICEF or any other contacts you have in Uganda.
>>> Thanks SJ,
>>> andy
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Samuel Klein [mailto:sj at laptop.org]
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 6:13 PM
>>> To: Andrew Pethan
>>> Cc: Mel Chua; Gregory Marra; Nicole Lee
>>> Subject: Re: Fwd: taking an XO to uganda for 2 weeks
>>> Andy, will you be gone by Sunday?  Also: we have some UNICEF contacts
>>> in Uganda that might be interesting to talk to at any rate; very into
>>> local entrepreneurship and youth.
>>> SJ
>>> On Thu, 3 Jan 2008, Arjun Sarwal wrote:
>>>> SJ
>>>> Were there 1/2 XOs given to the Olin chapter ?
>>>> thanks
>>>> Arjun
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> Date: Jan 3, 2008 5:13 PM
>>>> Subject: taking an XO to uganda for 2 weeks
>>>> To: Arjun Sarwal <arjun at laptop.org>
>>>> From: Andrew Pethan <Andrew.Pethan at students.olin.edu>
>>>> Cc: Mel Chua <mel at melchua.com>, Nicole Lee
>>> <Nicole.Lee at students.olin.edu>,
>>>> Gregory Marra <Gregory.Marra at students.olin.edu>
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm Andy Pethan, an Olin student who is very interested in and
>>> supportive of
>>>> OLPC.  I will be traveling to Uganda in two days and was wondering if
>>> it was
>>>> possible to bring an XO with me on the trip.  I'm not sure what
>> people
>>> I
>>>> will be meeting with but think there is a good chance I will make
>>> contact
>>>> with some education leaders in Kampala, the capitol city.  If this is
>>> okay
>>>> to do, I would be able to pick one up on Saturday afternoon.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> andy
>>>> --
>>>> Arjun Sarwal
>>>> Intern, One Laptop per Child
>>>> arjun at laptop.org

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