[OLPC.ch] olpc : introducing myself
Urs Lerch
lists at ulerch.net
Wed Jul 4 07:42:15 EDT 2012
Hi Gabriele,
> Concerning the OLPC, I’m searching to get involved mostly in the
> marketing/promotion of the initiative, and to find ideas on how to
> raise funds. Currently I have some ideas, and would like to know
> anyone with competences in building Linux Live USB distributions
> (sorry Urs, I still believe in that idea...). I had a great chance to
> meet Urs and Michele, who introduced the organization.
This might be what you are looking for:
Although I haven't tried it out by myself yet, in my opinion there's no
need for you to create this from scratch. As always with free software,
you're also free to sell it.
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