[OLPC.ch] Ongoing netbook- Project at Swiss primary school

Urs Zuberbühler Scherling zuberling at bluewin.ch
Sat Feb 12 16:27:17 EST 2011

Dear OLPC Switzerland - team
After following a very interesting speach of Christoph Derndorfer yesterday at the 1:1- computing meeting in Goldau I feel very motivated to get more informations about what your organisation is doing in Switzerland. One of the reasons of my interest ist the fact that we are running at our school (primary school Guttannen BE, classes 5&6) one of Switzerlands probably first 1.1- computing classes (at primary school level) working with netbooks. We started the project in summer 2010 in co-operation with the "Pädagogische Hochschule" of Bern. More informations about the projekt at our school you'll find on our project blog: http://netbookprojekt.blogspot.com.  I'm very interested in the actual situation of OLPC in Switzerland. Was it alreday possible to find schools/classes interested in working with XO computers? Maybe I can contribute something to OLPC Switzerland with the experience of the ongoing project? Many greetings from the little mountain village Guttannen   Urs Zuberbühler


Urs Zuberbühler Scherling
Wirzen 129
CH - 3864 Guttannen

Tel. (+41) (0)33 973 00 61
mail: zuberling at bluewin.ch 'mailto:zuberling at bluewin.ch'
skype: zuberling
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