[OLPC.ch] About me

Pascal MAGNENAT pascal.magnenat at interactions.ch
Fri Dec 19 05:14:52 EST 2008


My name is Pascal Magnenat. I am a Human-Computer Interaction specialist. I
am working as an independant in Switzerland for 10 years. I am helping
companies like Merck Serono, Orange, Medtronic, Swiss radio & television
design and market products and services that are easy to learn and to use.
More on my blog at www.pascalmagnenat.ch and on the initiative
"CaMarchePas.ch" launched 2 years ago: www.camarchepas.ch

I am President of Swiss UPA, the swiss chapter of the Usability
Professionals' Association which organizes the World Usability Day in
November each year.

Basically my interest is to make things easy so that everybody can use
technology, can navigate in a town, can take care of him/herself.

I've just purchased 2 XOs that I have received yesterday and would be
interested to participate in a way or in another to the XO community.

pascal magnenat
chemin des colombettes 21
1202 geneva

office +41 22 700 24 24
mobile +41 78 671 24 24
pascal.magnenat at interactions.ch

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