[OLPC.ch] Introduction

Maurus Radelow maurus at radelow.ch
Sat Apr 19 13:24:16 EDT 2008


my name is Maurus Radelow, I'm 17 years old and a high school student  
at the SAMD in Davos. I'm planning to write a task for my school  
leaving examination about HTML- and JavaScript-applications for OLPC- 
systems or to be more precise a simple manual for using the OLPC- 
system more efficiently by means of simple HTML- and JavaScript- 
programming. I'm planning to start the main work in autumn. So now  
I've got plenty of time to gather informations and clearify about the  
feasibility of my projekt.

I get an OLPC from my school so I'm not interested in getting one. I  
subscribed here because I hope we can work together (or to be honest  
you can help if I get some problems) and maybe I can tie some contacs  
with people or groups which have similar interests like mine.

For the moment I just want to know if someone has got some ideas  
about whom I should contact if I would encounter problems.

Maurus Radelow
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