[OLPC Networking] Event Reminder: Reminder: SATELLITE 2008 Workshop on requirements and R&D goals for low-cost satellite services for Developing Regions

rb.olpc.list.networking at clubofrome.it rb.olpc.list.networking at clubofrome.it
Tue Feb 26 03:58:56 EST 2008

Dear colleagues,

Reminder: Please apologize for cross-posting

Preparations for the "BOF/Workshop: Low-cost satellite Internet infrastructure to support education in remote and developing regions", that we are also calling 
"Workshop on requirements and R&D goals for low-cost satellite services for Developing Regions" are going well. 

If you have not looked at it, please review 

As you know, we have been assigned 

Wednesday February 27th in room 140A at 9AM 

If you are around SATELLITE 2008 in Washington D.C. on Wednesday please drop by, or forward this reminder to interested colleagues who might. 

Also please note that we there will be follow-up workshops. The next one ESAT802 will be held in June 2008 in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Please register therefore at digitalworld.org and participate in the discussion forum/Wiki in order to give your input and feedback on the creation of the research roadmap and R&D goals and requirements for low cost satellite services for Developing Regions.

Everyone, including individuals we have invited, must register for the show themselves (Be sure you at least register on-line for free exhibits-only, use VIP code BOF, at <http://www.satellitetoday.com/satellite2008/register/>).

Although this is intended to be an informal workshop, our plan at this time is that the first half will be for invited speakers who will, we hope, focus briefly on topics preparatory to the discussions.  

Here is a preliminary list of some of the speakers we have invited, and the topics we have suggested to them (they may talk about something different):

- Michail Bletsas from One Laptop Per Child (OLPC): OLPC perspective and needs
- Brian Adamson from NRL and the IETF reliable IP multicast group: Update on open source CDN work at IETF
- Gary Carter/Ron Clifton from IDC: Lessons learned in Thailand w/John Hawker, and in Mexico?
-Thor Reitan from STMI: DVB-S2 RCS products, with attention to power consumption, self-installation, and roadmap
- Bruce Elbert, ATS: Cost and availability of the space segment in developing regon
- Stephane Chenard of Euroconsult says he will try to stop in as well to discuss space segment cost and availability.
- David Hartshorn and/or Kristen Kloster from GVF: Requirements identified so far with regional coordinators in developing areas.

Chances are we will also see individuals from Newtec and other vendors present at the show dropping in.

We  also invited individuals such as Laura Drewett from www.adaptedconsulting.com, John Forrest from Omniglobe, Denee Clark from inveneo.org, and many others.... and will make an effort to rope in useful individuals while walking the show floor on Tuesday.

Remember, the goal is:
- Gather and document design requirements and their justifications
- Examine how current products might be used to meet them
- Identify areas where further research and development is needed

Hopefully, everyone will leave their particular hats/biases at the door, and we can keep this a technical workshop focused on whats needed for these guys: <http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Ulaanbaatar>

The room will be equipped with 40+ chairs, We have ordered a large screen and projector table for the room, and we are bringing a road-warrior projector.

Thomas and I look forward to seeing you there!

Thomas Jacobson
thomas at tcjnet.com

Roland A. Burger
roland.burger at digitalworld.org (roland.burger at clubofrome.it)
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