[Localization] Fwd: Pootle 2.5 porting [Work in Progress]

Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 00:41:31 EDT 2013

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Aneesh Dogra <aneesh at sugarlabs.org> wrote:

> Hey List,
> I have finally ported our ancient pootle to pootle 2.5 (with all
> translation and database files) and it seems to be working. Check
> http://newpootle.sugarlabs.org/
Dear Localizers,

Let me explain the process we are undertaking to migrate to a new and
upgraded version of Pootle.

1) Activity Central has graciously taken Aneesh Dogra (one of Sugar Labs
young Google Code-In Grand Prize winners) on as an intern and assigned him
the task of working on our Pootle migration.

2) Please continue to do your regular translation work on the existing
Pootle instance ( http://translate.sugarlabs.org/ ).

3) Feel free to log onto the new instance Aneesh mentions above to check
that your login works, to familiarize yourself with the changes in the
Pootle user interface, and explore the new features (like the awesome
translation memory suggestions that used to only be in Virtaal).  Please
report any problems to this list (like the issue Cris reported), so we can
look into them.  However, DO NOT do any "real" work that you want kept as
it might be lost in the process of getting the migration done correctly.
The new Pootle is currently NOT in production use.

4) When we are sure we can migrate all of the data successfully (including
the connections to the repos where the code resides), we will declare a
downtime for the existing Pootle instance and do one last migration of the
data before we cut over to using the new instance in production.  When we
do that, it will appear at the regular address and a message will go out
that it is back in production (and upgraded).

This should make the process as seamless as possible for all of you, thanks
in advance for your assistance with making sure we get the migration done

Sugar Labs translation Team Coordinator
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