[Localization] Request lang admin for lang-th

Meechai Junpho malaku38 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 29 11:05:47 EST 2012

Dear Chris Leonard,
My name is Meechai Junpho from Thailand. Now we’re translating the sugar into Thai language.
I’d like to register to be an administrator who will do the final check of all translation before sending it to Sugar lab. 
My pootle username is malaku. Could you please register me as an administrator? 

We’re planning to finish all translation within March 16 and will be sending all data you your team asap. 
What will be the timeframe for us to get the Thai version of Sugar?
We intended to install in 500 machines of XO in early April 2012. Would that be possible? 
Thank you for your kind support. 
Best regards,
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