[Localization] Error in translation of Typing Turtle, "po" language

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Fri May 20 14:29:16 EDT 2011

Right now is not posible compile Typing Turtle by ea error in translations
of one language.

[gonzalo at nautilus mainline]$ python setup.py build
/home/gonzalo/sugar-devel/honey/typing-turtle/mainline/po/ta.po:389: a
alguna de las líneas `msgid' y `msgstr' les falta el `\n' final
/home/gonzalo/sugar-devel/honey/typing-turtle/mainline/po/ta.po:399: a
alguna de las líneas `msgid' y `msgstr' les falta el `\n' final
msgfmt: se encontraron 2 errores fatales
ERROR - msgfmt failed with return code 1.

Please translators/admins of the "po" language, fix and confirm by mail.

The problem is solved adding a "\n" after the translations of:

"That's the big square key near your right little finger.\n"

"Great!  When typing, the ENTER key is used to begin a new line.\n"

but must be solved in pootle and commited by the language admins.

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