[Localization] Request for admin privs : Wolof & Mandinka

Dominique Rochefort issasamb at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 15:14:37 EDT 2011

Hi Chris,

I am the one who maintains Wolof and Mandinka localizations for Abiword 
since the beginning.
Therefore, I would like to resquest lang admin for Wolof and Mandinka on 
the new POOTLE server.
My POOTLE username is "issasamb".

I am volunteer to take care of granting privileges to anyone interested 
to contribute to these 2 Abiword localizations.

Also, please find here the plural forms for each of these 2 languages:

Wolof (ISO language code : wo)
Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;

Mandinka (ISO language code : mnk)
Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==0?0:n==1?1:2 ;

These two languages are localized as they are used and spoken in Senegal 
(wo-SN & mnk-SN).

Best regards,


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