[Localization] New Glucose strings

Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 16:34:20 EST 2011

Dear Localizers,

I have updated all of the languages from Templates for the Glucose
project, so the strings should be visible.  I would also like to
emphasize the importance of completing the languages of non-English
speaking "former imperiaist or hegemonic states" (e.g. Spanish,
French) as soon as possible because these languages can often serve as
bridging languages for translations into the indigenous languages that
they overlay in the modern world in places like Latin America and
Francophone Africa.



Thank you for your all of your contributions to our localization efforts.


On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Chris Leonard <cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> As much of the focus of the current development cycle for Sugar 0.95 >
> 0.96 has been on things that happen "beneath the hood" (hippo-canvas
> removal, gtk2+ to gtk3+ porting, etc.) it is perhaps not all that
> surprising that until recently the PO files for the Glucose trunk have
> not diverged much from the previous release of Glucose 0.94.
> That said, new and changed strings have begun appearing and localizers
> are encouraged to check their language's Glucose project for newly
> available strings to translate.
> Glucose
> http://translate.sugarlabs.org/projects/glucose/
> Please continue to complete your Glucose 0.94 files (if they are not
> finished already) as this is the stable release that is appearing in
> new OLPC builds and other Sugar distribution channels (e.g.
> SOAS/TOAST, Linux distro pkgs, etc.).  Technically, I think the
> software version rolling out in those channels is Sugar 0.94.1, but it
> is not really necessary to make that finer distinction in Pootle.
> http://translate.sugarlabs.org/projects/glucose94/
> Warmest Regards,
> cjl

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