[Localization] How to test the translations (translation by activities)

Arief M Utama arief.utama at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 06:12:35 EDT 2011

Hi All,

Sorry if this come out as being a bit lazy,

I need to find out how to check out translations in the software.

How can I look at this? Is there any distro that provides live CDs? or 
maybe virtual images?

Would be better if I can compile the software myself and run it from my 
computer. Anyone can point on list of software to builds and how to 
configure it? Or probably anyone wanna provide me with an XO laptop, 
instead? :)

Someone asked me what activities has the full translations, and I cannot 
answer this yet as I'm not sure how the system worked and what 
activities are related.

I plan to try to translate one activity in full instead of current 
method of translating one string at a time without knowing for sure what 
is that :)

Thanks for all the help and pointers.

All the best.

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