[Localization] [Gnash-dev] i18n query

Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 01:57:53 EDT 2011

cc:ed to the Sugar Labs / OLPC L10n list for the benefit of localizers
working on gnash.po via the "unofficial" copies hosted at:


On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 1:12 AM, Benjamin Wolsey <bwy at benjaminwolsey.de>wrote:

> > be translated (in Spanish) as
> >
> > Date.Set%sMinutes necesita un argumento
> >
> > or should the time unit be localized to
> >
> > Date.Set%sMinutos necesita un argumento
> The former. The %s is a placeholder for "UTC", because the same function
> template handles both Date.setUTCMinutes and Date.setMinutes.
Thank you for the rapid response and clarification.  I would strongly
encourage any localizer working on the Gnash PO file to use Virtaal and work
on a downloaded PO file because (for reasons I don't pretend to understand),
it seems that a great many obscure debugging strings are already present in
Virtaal's translation memory (at least for Spanish, but I would assume for
other langs as well), allowing many strings to be completed with just a few
mouse clicks and some careful attention to detail as some are close, but not
exact, matches.

Virtaal (from the fine folks who maintain the Translate Toolkit and Pootle)


I'm making good progress on completing the Spanish L10n of Gnash in this
manner and have seen that someone has started work on Arabic.  When a PO is
complete on our Pootle server, we'll file it upstream via your usual


> >
> > There is one string that is somewhat inconsistent with the pattern of
> > the others and may be an i18n error.
> > libcore/asobj/Date_as.cpp:1167
> > Date.setMilliseconds was called with more than one argument
> >
> > does not have an embedded %s variable. Should it?
> Yes, that's a bug in the format string.
> > Thank you for your attention to this matter.  I am asking on the list
> > rather than filing a bug because I am not sure it is a bug.
> Thanks for your attention to detail!

You're welcome.  I will keep an eye on the upstream POT file and refresh our
template (and projects) when this bug has been corrected.  Benjamin, if I
could please trouble you to file that bug for me, I'm having trouble logging
on to Savannah  (too many accounts on to many repos),

Warmest Regards,

volunteer Sugar Labs / OLPC / eToys Pootle admin
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