[Localization] Best practices for developers

Clytie Siddall clytie at riverland.net.au
Wed Mar 24 02:22:26 EDT 2010

Sorry I didn't reply earlier.

On 19/03/2010, at 7:33 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> On 08.03.2010, at 15:44, Clytie Siddall wrote:
>> Reminder for developers: long strings are bad localization practice! Translators avoid them, since they have very little time available (thus you don't get the translation); there's much more room for error and confusion (so you get bad translations); translators can't review the string properly (more errors); and finally, most translation editors don't expect long strings, so they don't handle them well (confused and grumpy translators).
> Is there as document somewhere for "best practices" in making activities translatable?
> I found an old discussion on the OLPC wiki:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Python_i18n
> And this on the Sugar wiki:
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Translation_Team/i18n_Best_Practices
> But I'm pretty sure I've seen a more general discussion somewhere ...
> James is going to add some of these hints to his activity developing book:
> http://en.flossmanuals.net/bin/view/ActivitiesGuideSugar/GoingInternationalWithPootle
> So if you feel there is something you need budding activity developers to know, tell him ;)

This is an excellent guide:



from Clytie 

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

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