[Localization] Best practices for developers

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Thu Mar 18 17:03:27 EDT 2010

On 08.03.2010, at 15:44, Clytie Siddall wrote:
> Reminder for developers: long strings are bad localization practice! Translators avoid them, since they have very little time available (thus you don't get the translation); there's much more room for error and confusion (so you get bad translations); translators can't review the string properly (more errors); and finally, most translation editors don't expect long strings, so they don't handle them well (confused and grumpy translators).

Is there as document somewhere for "best practices" in making activities translatable?

I found an old discussion on the OLPC wiki:

And this on the Sugar wiki:

But I'm pretty sure I've seen a more general discussion somewhere ...

James is going to add some of these hints to his activity developing book:

So if you feel there is something you need budding activity developers to know, tell him ;)

- Bert -

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