[Localization] SLP y Nayarit-Mexico

Janet Melchor janet at laptop.org
Fri Oct 2 05:08:32 EDT 2009

Hello everybody!

I read the information you sent me, Sayamindu, thanks!

Now the question is if is possible be able to write dialect's characters
from the keyboard I don't know maybe with a special configuration and using
sticker under each keyboard key. I know always sound easier than actually is
but they'd like try it.

Any information or link is very welcome.


2009/9/19 Sayamindu Dasgupta <sayamindu at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 2:57 AM, Samuel Klein <meta.sj at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello Janet!  To add a localization, you should check with Sayamindu
> > and our localization list.  There is an interface for adding new
> > languages for Sugar :
> > http://translate.sugarlabs.org/
> >
> > (sayamindu: is there a sugarlabs localization list more active than
> > the one at laptop.org ? )
> Nope - localization at lists.laptop.org is the only one.
> There are two main steps to get a new language in Sugar
> * The first is to gather the locale data for the language, which would
> take care of region and language specific information, such as name of
> months, weekdays, currency symbol, etc etc I can help a native speaker
> of this language (or anyone who is sufficiently comfortable with the
> language) to turn the locale data into something usable in Sugar
> * The second step is to translate as much of the Sugar interface as
> possible - http://people.sugarlabs.org/sayamindu/pootleforxo2_5.pdf is
> a primer on how to do that.
> Of course, both the locale data gathering and translation can proceed
> simultaneously.
> Let me know if there is anything else that you need to know.
> Warm regards,
> Sayamindu
> --
> Sayamindu Dasgupta
> [http://sayamindu.randomink.org/ramblings]

Janet Melchor
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