[Localization] [Sugar-devel] Help activity

Bastien bastienguerry at googlemail.com
Sun May 24 13:13:15 EDT 2009

Hi Diogo,

> 2009/5/14 Diogo Serra @ IPLEIRIA <diogo.serra at ipleiria.pt>:
>> Hy there,
>> Where i can find the *.po  of Help activity ?

To my knowledge, there is no *.po for the Help activity (but the user
"Pootle" is a committer in git.sugarlabs.org so I'm not 100% sure...)

The help activity is a collection of *.html page remixed from the
flossmanuals.com website: http://en.flossmanuals.net/

These pages are packaged in a .xo activity.  

Maybe Seth can tell us more on how to build a Help activity?  How did
you export the flossmanuals pages to html?  Raw scrapping?



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