[Localization] OLPC Afghanistan First Pilot School

Ebtihaj Obaidi ebtihaj_obaidi at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 19 07:57:21 EST 2009


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In its first deployment plan OLPC-AF provides XO's to every single child
in a school in grades 1-6 in Jalalabad city of Ningarhar province. The
school name Iesteqlal Hight School in Jalalalbad city with 1020 children
of grade 1-6. Twenty teachers are to be trained in this school.

School   :  Istiqlal High Scool
Students :        1020 (Grade 1-6)
Teachers :          20
Laptops  :         450

Read more about the OLPC Afghanistan first pilot school here:

Kind comments are appreciated.
Sohaib Obaidi Ebtihaj
OLPC Afghanistan,
Community Development Liaison.
BSc (Hons) Economics, IIUI.
sohaib at paiwastoon.com.af
Skype: sohaib.obaidi

PAIWASTOON Networking Services Ltd.
1st Street Kart-e Se, House no. 5
Opposite Habibia High School
Kabul, Afghanistan

Sohaib Obaidi "Ebtihaj"

BSc. (Hons.) Economics, IIIE-IIUI
 Community Development Liaison
OLPC Afghanistan

sohaib at paiwastoon.com.af


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