[Localization] Translating the OLPC website via Pootle

Juliano Bittencourt juliano at lec.ufrgs.br
Thu Mar 27 16:52:19 EDT 2008

     Hello Sayamindu,

     Can you please set the OLPC Website project to pt_BR? It's  
possible also to include the Getting Started pot in the website project?


Em 21/03/2008, às 11:26, Sayamindu Dasgupta escreveu:
> Hi all,
> I have been thinking of ways to get the website translation workflow
> in Pootle, and the main problem till now was that the website POT
> files used tokens like bio1, bio3, etc, etc . I came up a Python
> script today, which extracts the English translations, and puts them
> in the POT file as comments. This approach seemed to work, and I have
> set up a _test_ project for the website translation at
> https://dev.laptop.org/translate/projects/website/
> Do you think this is a workable way to go forward ?
> Thanks,
> Sayamindu
> -- 
> Sayamindu Dasgupta
> [http://sayamindu.randomink.org/ramblings]
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