[Localization] Please add Sinhala to Pootle Language List

Ishan Liyanage snlsjc at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 04:32:28 EST 2008

> >    Me and few other guys in sri lanka are interested in translating olpc
> > (suger) interfaces in to sinhala which is an official language in Sri Lanka.
> > So we visited the pootle and didn't find sinhala in the language list. So if
> > you add sinhala to the language list we can start translating.
> Will you use Sinhala Linux, http://sinhala.sourceforge.net/, as your
> starting point for the computer vocabulary?

There are already translated PO files GNOME.


So we can use those files as a starting point.(We contributed to
translate few files as well)

BTW I am also contributing to this task with Priyanga Fonseka and also
from Sri Lanka.


Ishan Liyanage (ඉෂාන් ලියනගේ)

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