[Localization] [Announce] Language Packs (beta)

Sayamindu Dasgupta sayamindu at gmail.com
Fri Feb 29 13:51:24 EST 2008

Hi all,
In order to make checking translations easier, I have hacked together
a mechanism to generate language packs  for the languages in Pootle.
To use a language pack for your language, you will either need an
emulated XO (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Emulating_the_XO/Quick_Start)
or a real one.

Once you are up and running, download the language pack for your
language (say es_lang_pack.sh for Spanish) from
http://dev.laptop.org/~sayamindu/langpacks/ into the the XO filesystem
and run sh es_lang_pack.sh. And _hopefully_ your XO will have all the
greatest and latest translations for your language. Use the
sugar-control-panel to change the UI language (eg: sugar-control-panel
-s language Spanish/Peru).

This is still very experimental, so things may break - be careful
while using it.

Short term TODO:
* Add Etoys support
* Make the pack installation procedure a bit more verbose

Long term TODO:
* Have support for branches (eg: Update-1, master, etc)

Comments are welcome :-).

Sayamindu Dasgupta

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