[Localization] Where is the sugar.mo file ?

Yuan Chao yuanchao at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 20:04:06 EST 2008

On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 5:39 AM, LASKE, Lionel (C2S) <LLASKE at c2s.fr> wrote:

> for a "sugar.mo" file in the "/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/" directory.
> But there is no "sugar.mo" file in this directory. There is only 5 files:
You can simply copy sugar.mo there and restart X to see if works. If
French is not committed before, there won't be sugar.mo there. Also
you need to switch to fr locale by either sugar-control-panel or edit
~olpc/.i18n before restarting X.

Best regards,
Yuan Chao

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