[Localization] Fwd: OLPC Afghanistan localization

Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
Wed Dec 24 16:51:16 EST 2008

On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 2:24 AM, <gulzade at paiwastoon.com.af> wrote:

> Hi dear All,
> OLPC Afghanistan project is on going and we are localizing XO labtops in
> our lab and will deploy soon.We have some problem in localizing in
> Afghanistan languages(Dari and Pashto).
> The translation stuff has been finished .We are new in XO labtops if you
> help us we would be thankful.
> 1.I upload sugar.mo file in /usr/share/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/
> and I changed /home/olpc/.i18n  to  LANG="fa_AF.UTF-8" it works properly
> dari and pashtoo.
> problem with activity!!!
> when I put (translated)Journal-activity.mo to
> /usr/share/activities/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/    directory
>  it doesnt work :(


It is important that your localization be deposited in OLPC's Pootle server
for a number of reasons.  It looks like the Pashto PO files are fairly
complete there:


Although the Honey project (of many additional activities) has a few
incomplete PO files.


However, the Dari PO files on deposit are NOT very complete.


If you have completed those translations, please deposit them into Pootle as
that will help others to assist you in troubleshooting your problem; make
them available to other Dari and Pashto speaking users; and also allow the
Language Packs that Sayamindu mentioned to be prepared centrally through the
normal OLPC build process.

> 4.After localization how can we provide one image both Dari and Pashto
> Afghanitan language from XO .
> is it possible because of old version which I am using 8.1 and when I type
> in terminal   locale -a ther is no  fa_AF (Farsi for Afghanistan)

It is possible that this page may have some information of interest on that


It is also possible that it may not do you any good if there is not a locale
for fa_AF and ps_AF present when you list locales with locale -a

You may need to file a Trac ticket requesting that those locales be created.

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