[Localization] Pootle internal error

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Fri Apr 25 11:00:49 EDT 2008

Not committed yet ... ah, whatever. we'll just do it again :)

- Bert -

On 25.04.2008, at 16:45, Sayamindu Dasgupta wrote:

> Arggh :-(.
> Did you commit ? Then I can try to revert back.
> -sdg-
> On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 8:13 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de 
> > wrote:
>> Oh no. Again? I did that yesterday, and started clearing up the fuzzy
>> entries :/
>> I wish there was a "log" feature on Pootle so one could see other's  
>> actions
>> ...
>> - Bert -
>> On 25.04.2008, at 16:38, Sayamindu Dasgupta wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for clearing up the confusion (and apologies from my end for
>>> not acting on this quickly). I have manually replaced the file.
>>> Everyone, if you want to manually upload/merge something as large as
>>> etoys, please let me know beforehands, since with the current Pootle
>>> setup, the process can be very time/resource consuming, and probably
>>> you will get a timeout in the end. The Pootle devs are currently
>>> working on it, and maybe we will see something in the next major
>>> release of Pootle.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sayamindu
>>> On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Gerhard Steiner  
>>> <gd.steiner at gmx.at>
>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Sayamindu,
>>>> just to reduce the confusion.
>>>> the german etoys.po in the attached zip-file has
>>>> 4105 translation strings
>>>> 3708 translations without fuzzy
>>>> 392 translations strings with fuzzy tag (the easiest way to  
>>>> identify the
>>>> new strings)
>>>> 5 string with no translation
>>>> It has all comments from the old etoys.po on Pootle in the right  
>>>> place.
>> I
>>>> have this po-file in use in my etoys.image and it works. This  
>>>> etoys.po
>> file
>>>> has been created with PoEdit from new etoys.pot, old etoys.po and  
>>>> my own
>>>> etoys.po.
>>>> the recent etoys.po on Pootle shows
>>>> 4105 translation strings
>>>> 3788 translations without fuzzy
>>>> 205 translations strings with fuzzy tag
>>>> 112 strings with no translation
>>>> Many comments and translation in the newly added strings are  
>>>> misplaced.
>>>> Something in the merge damaged the new translation strings. The old
>> strings
>>>> seems to be ok.
>>>> Hope that helps, sorry for the inconvenience. (Manual) Uploads  
>>>> seems to
>> be
>>>> a dangerous task.
>>>> Is it possible to replace the german etoys.po on pootle with the
>> attached
>>>> one.
>>>> Otherwise someone simply has to fix up  400 strings on Pootle   
>>>> manually.
>>>> kind regards
>>>> Gerhard Steiner
>>>> Sayamindu Dasgupta schrieb:
>>>> Could you check again ? I find that that the strings in the  
>>>> attached
>>>> PO are already translated in Pootle.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sayamindu
>>>> On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 2:36 AM, Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de 
>>>> >
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I have no idea how to do that. Sayamindu?
>>>> - Bert -
>>>> On 22.04.2008, at 23:02, Gerhard Steiner wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> The etoys.po on Pootle still has many missing strings, which are  
>>>> already
>>>> translated in the attached file. All new strings are translated  
>>>> and set
>> to
>>>> fuzzy (easier to find in the review)
>>>> Can you try to merge this file again, attached again.
>>>> OK?
>>>> best regards
>>>> Gerhard Steiner
>>>> Bert Freudenberg schrieb:
>>>> Ah, looks like the automerge screwed up the encoding. Older
>>>> translation strings are fine.
>>>> - Bert -
>>>> On 22.04.2008, at 21:41, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>>>> Just noticed that non-ASCII characters are wrong in the web  
>>>> interface:
>> https://dev.laptop.org/translate/de/etoys/etoys.po?translate=1&searchtext=Grafikimporte
>>>> What's up with that?
>>>> - Bert -
>>>> On 22.04.2008, at 20:45, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>>>> It looks better. We have a new POT file with many more translated
>>>> phrases so the percentage change is expected.
>>>> - Bert -
>>>> On 22.04.2008, at 20:29, Sayamindu Dasgupta wrote:
>>>> Ermm.. hopefully this should be fixed now. Can anyone who is
>>>> actually
>>>> involved in the translations tell me if the merging has been OK or
>>>> not
>>>> ?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sayamindu
>>>> On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 11:16 PM, Korakurider
>>>> <korakurider at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 4/23/08, Sayamindu Dasgupta <sayamindu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Fixed.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Sayamindu
>>>> Thanks, the error went away.
>>>> But why transalted number become so small now?
>>>> When I checked yesterday whether the latest pot has been merged
>>>> to
>>>> German etoys.po , 100% phrases were translated.
>>>> (see
>> http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=projects/etoys;a=commit;h=b9adba5c379b21b57ae257fa6f89680fa9fcbeff)
>>>> Any idea?
>>>> /Korakurider
>>> --
>>> Sayamindu Dasgupta
>>> [http://sayamindu.randomink.org/ramblings]
> -- 
> Sayamindu Dasgupta
> [http://sayamindu.randomink.org/ramblings]

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