[Localization] Where to put .mo files for sugar?

Alexander Todorov atodorov at redhat.com
Thu Dec 13 09:59:11 EST 2007

Khaled Hosny wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 12:08:10PM +0100, Alexander Todorov wrote:
>>>>>> It should be /usr/share/locale/aa_EE/LC_MESSAGES/, where aa_EE is your
>>>>>> language code.
>> I see there that most aa_ee are simply 2 char language abbreviation.
>> There is a bg for Bulgarian. Should I put my .mo files there and test or 
>> I create a bg_BG one ?
> If Bulgarian doesn't differ from a territory to another, just use bg
> then. 
>> Another question:
>> As it seems hard to find out the .mo filenames is there a list of them?
>> e.g. should it be chat.mo or chat-activity.mo ?
> A simple way, is to look for it in already translated language, but note
> that activities store .mo files in the directories where they are
> installed unlike sugar. So, chat activity will store them under
> /usr/share/activities/Chat/locale/

Thanks Khaled,
anyway I didn't find that info on the wiki.
Either it's not there or I wasn't able to find it.
And why activities store the .mo files for themselves and not under a 
common shared location ? I guess this is by design but why?


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