[Localization] How to make multiple writing character sets available?

Alexander Todorov atodorov at redhat.com
Mon Dec 10 05:20:29 EST 2007

Korakurider wrote:
>    + define the targetted audience for the first priority and populate
> dictionary for them
>    + populate it for another audience
>    + try to support multiple variants for one language

Is it possible to use different .po files for Japanese.
Ones with Hiragana, other with Kanji and other with Katakana?
Then you'll have to configure the software locale as something as:
jp_HR.UTF-8, jp_KN.UTF-8, jp_KT.UTF-8.
That's breaking the convention to use ll_CC abbreviations for locales
but is an easy solution to the problem. Then in the software(pre login
for example) we as the child what set of characters they can read and
adjust the locale. This could be done by a computer administrator at
school as well.
The drawbacks are:
- 3 times more Japanese translations, more work, more bugs.
- If the locale is setup by an administrator/teacher the child will need
to request them to change it, whenever they feel good enough at reading
other characters. It may be the case that a single child is smarter and
learned quickly the harder characters that it's schoolmates.

Hope that helps,

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