[OLPC library] Sugarization of DjVuLibre: an alternative ebook reader?

samy boutayeb s.boutayeb at free.fr
Thu Jul 1 18:03:39 EDT 2010

Hi all,

As you may know, we are in the testing phase of our "first" ebook aimed
for our deployment in Madagascar. See:


So far, we have 1 ebook (djvu) that is being tested on Read, FBReader
and on a sugarized version of DjVuLibre ( http://djvu.sourceforge.net/ )
 (thanks to the sugarisation script described here:
http://diegosanchez.obolog.com/sugarizar-aplicacion-651266 ).

It's a proof of concept, but it looks interesting.

Here is a screenshot:

However, this is a very basic and far from portable try because of some unmeet dependencies.

May be someone ca give it a try.



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