[OLPC library] A couple errors in FlossManuals Remix export and the Help Activity

Seth Woodworth seth at laptop.org
Fri Sep 19 14:41:45 EDT 2008

Whoops, I found a couple bugs in the Remix export functionality.

When doing a remix from the FM site, it downloads the images for the
activity *mostly* correct.  There are two problems however:

1.) I've had a few images that didn't download, the image in this chapter:
isn't in my export.  I haven't quite figured out if I'm missing more images
or which images *aren't* downloaded correctly.

2.) The HTML (and this may be bjordan's parsing and not FM's export
function) continues to link to the image stored on FM's site as on the
site.  So for instance my downloaded copy still pulled images from:


which means that the exported version doesn't work unless I'm online.

In resolution to #2 a simple script can change those to local urls:

>   for file in *; do
>   mv $file $file.old
>   sed 's,http://en.flossmanuals.net/floss/pub/,./,g' $file.old > $file
>   rm -f $file.old
> done

As for #1, I'll just update the images I need by hand.

BTW, thank you mikus for finding bug #2 last night and reporting it
promptly: http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/8558

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