[OLPC library] [Re] 'OLPC-Health' takes off !!

Andreas Tille tillea at rki.de
Fri Feb 1 17:02:42 EST 2008

[Because this mail is CCed to Debian-Med mailing list I'm posting the
  URL to the original mail and leave out the full quote:

     http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/devel/2008-January/010261.html ]

Hi to OLPC people from the Debian-Med project,

I have to admit I have nearly nothing todo with OLPC but just
touched such a cute device which is owned by a fellow Debian developer.
So I can not comment on the OLPC and have no idea whether this hint
is helpful or not.  I have just heard that chances are good to run
Debian on OLPC which would open good chances for medical care on
your favourite toy. ;-)

The Debian-Med project ( http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med )
aims at building a platform for medical care (including preclinical
research like microbiology) completely integrated into Debian.  So
if you have Debian you have access to several medical applications
and we are working on it that it became more from week to week.

So on the one hand we are able to provide prepackaged stuff for
OLPC (in case you are able to use Debian packages in any form
(recompile or rebuild in any form) on the other hand we would
be happy if you would provide a list of free medical software
projects you are interested in.  We would try to integrate this
into our platform and might gather some experiences that might
be helpful for you finally.

In case you like the idea and want to discuss this issue please
make sure you CC me or (preferably) the Debian-Med mailing list
because I'm not subscribed to your list.

Kind regards



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