[OLPC India] Ordering OLPC Laptops(XOs) for schools

Ajay Kumar ajay at classapart.org
Thu Oct 25 06:58:05 EDT 2007

Since the thread has been rekindled, in addition to Sameer's very
important question, I had another thought.
> Joshua N Pritikin wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 21, 2007 at 12:07:40AM +0530, Manusheel Gupta wrote:
>>>> How are the beneficiaries of the give-one-get-one program selected?
>>> The initial beneficiaries of the G1G1 program will be the countries
>>> where Government have agreed to deploy OLPC in their respective states, and
>>> are looking for some support, due to lack of sufficient funds.
>> OK, that sounds reasonable.

Well, that indeed sounds reasonable, but a better solution might be to
cross subsidize within the country. We all know that there are pockets
in the country that are dirt poor and pockets that are filthy rich. That
will give a sense of making a difference to the local community for the

But that would raise the important question who gets the subsidy? One
solution could be to say that state governments get a part of the
subsidy. If they go for the solution for government schools that is. It
becomes important as education is a state subject in india and not a
union subject. So, the state governments act as nations in decision
making regarding education. 

Yet another solution might be to let the donor's indicate where they
want the charity money to go, and make a best efforts based commitment
to route their money to a demographic as near as possible to the
intended one.

Any other solutions, thoughts?

Kind Regards,

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