[Health] [Waveplace Health] Everything You Wanted to Know About "D....." and Were Afraid To Ask

Steve Thomas sthomas1 at gosargon.com
Tue Jun 29 18:15:58 EDT 2010


I can help with the Etoys part.  My wife was a La Leche League leader and we
have another friend who if I can convince to help would be an excellent
resource and is fluent in Spanish.


On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho at hotmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi Folks,
> Since our conf call the other day, I have been thinking about possible
> sub-topics and activities for one of my main areas of interest...
> sanitation.  When I was still teaching, one of my favorite parts of the job
> was designing curriculum and lessons to teach a particular unit.  So, I have
> been doing some work on this topic... here are a few things I have come up
> with for the topic of sanitation or, if you will:
> *Everything You Wanted to Know About Diarrhea and Were Afraid To Ask*
> Diarrhea is second only to Pneumonia as a cause of death in children under
> the age of 5 worldwide.  It kills more children than malaria, HIV, and TB
> combined. Most of these deaths are preventable.
> http://www.all-about-water-filters.com/diarrhea-and-dehydration.html
> For people of all ages in low and middle income countries, it ranks seventh
> as a cause of death for people of all ages. It isn't even in the top 10 for
> high income countries.
> http://www.webmd.com/lung/copd/news/20060525/top-10-causes-death-worldwide
> In Bolivia where I saw a vigorous educational campaign about the causes and
> treatment of diarrhea when I visited about 15 years ago, the infant
> mortality rate has been dropping steadily.
> http://globalis.gvu.unu.edu/indicator_detail.cfm?IndicatorID=25&Country=BO
> *Treatment and prevention are the keys.*
> Effective treatment is inexpensive and simple and usually works;
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_rehydration_therapy
> Prevention falls into several categories:
> *Clean Water*
> What's in the water?  Is clear water always safe (NOT!)? Activities with
> water samples collected by the children and microscopes or hand lenses,
> pictures on the XO etc.
> *Water purification* by means of:
> *
> *
> *Boiling *(fuel costs and environmental concerns can be a problem)
> *Chemicals* (inexpensive chemicals work on biological factors, but not
> non-bioligical)
> *Filtration* (The Presbyterian Church USA has been very active worldwide
> in water filtration and hygiene education. We may be able to use some of
> their educational materials as resources)
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LM-bP4gG-g&NR=1
> *Distillation* (solar still costs very little to operate once in place)
> http://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/Cooking/cooking.htm#SolarStills
> A link to a solar still  activity children can do:
> http://pbskids.org/zoom/activities/sci/solarstill.html
> Of course, there is also the possibility of new, good wells.
> *Sanitary toilets* and why they should be used (retraining needed!).
> Someone on the call has some good ideas and information about this.
> *Handwashing* (how, why, and when)
> http://www.cdc.gov/cleanhands/
> Possible activities.: (Soap making is probably not a good idea since the
> chemicals used are quite caustic.)
> http://candleandsoap.about.com/od/soapmakingsafety/a/soapsafety.htm
> Experiment... how soap works
> http://candleandsoap.about.com/od/soapmakingbasics/ss/howsoapcleans_6.htm
> Experiment... touch a moist piece of bread, tortilla, pita, or whatever is
> local... cheese also works). Seal it in a plastic bag or glass jar. Put in a
> warm place and observe what happens in a few days. Discard with care!  Those
> could be harmful organisms growing in there... they came from your hands!
> They could be growing inside you and making you sick.
> *Food*
> *Breastfeeding* someone on the list has a sister (?) in La Leche League
> *Food Preparation*
> Proper washing
> Proper cooking
> That's a lot.  I'm sure some of you can come up with many other ideas.
> Anyway, this is my passion (currently) and the part of the project I would
> most enjoy working on. Guess I need to learn more about using etoys.
> Caryl
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