[OLPC-GSoC] Vision Activity

Nirav Patel olpc at spongezone.net
Thu Mar 27 20:38:03 EDT 2008

Hello all,
I'm a bit late on this, but I'd like to introduce myself.  I'm Nirav
Patel, an Electrical and Computer Engineering junior at Carnegie
Mellon University.  I'm interested in developing an activity that
makes real use of the webcam beyond recording pictures and video.  As
of yet, I have the following done:

Face recognition using OpenCV:
A method of getting OpenCV working correctly on the XO:
A modified version of the Colors! Activity to use color based object tracking:

The possibilities are literally endless for what a webcam could be
used for.  Stop motion photography, gesture recognition, drawing with
real life objects as brushes, games involving motion, etc.  I suppose
I'll have to narrow it down to something specific for a GSoC
application though.  Any ideas would be appreciated.
Nirav Patel

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