[OLPC-GSoC] Note to mentors and students

Samuel Klein meta.sj at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 16:26:56 EDT 2008

To students : we are reviewing all applications now, and giving feedback to
those under active consideration.  If you have been in touch with people via
IRC or mailing lists about your project, and have not received any feedback
through the gsoc application process itself, please speak up on this list.

To mentors : *all* applications need more than one mentor.   I hope to have
a backup mentor for most students.  Please add yourself as 'willing to
mentor' some of the adopted applications if you have not already.

We have assigned mentors to applications that have been best-received --
while this is not a guarantee that we will be able to accept those
applications, please be in touch with your potential student to find out if
they have any remaining questions about their application or the process.

There are a few well-received applications that *do not have qualified
mentors* yet, or would be well-served by a mentor who has more free time:
Listen and Spell
"Your voice on XO"<http://code.google.com/soc/2008/olpc/app.html?csaid=ORYXEApdXC8EGBQJEgJdHSIKNUkCRFwHUXhXaklJRl8HUngHaBE%3D%0A>
 Homework Manager
Shrinking Java to OLPC
A Web Page / Blog Entry Building
XO Development Environment<http://code.google.com/soc/2008/olpc/app.html?csaid=PBoBAx1YVi9VaAcMEhJZcyYIORoIXQheXntVaxYBFwlQAntQbxZVRQgDVw%3D%3D%0A>

Please visit the list of applications and claim them if available.

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