[Etoys] Fwd: "Flor de Ceibo" project

Karl Ramberg karlramberg at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 13:26:53 EDT 2009

On 2009-03-25 08:57, Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
> Thansk for the information.
> The use of Etoys by the kid to read MP3 is not anedoctical and it is a
> typical instrumentation of computerized artifacts.
> The more affordance Etoys can propose, the more we can see this sort
> of 'side' use. But may be this 'side' use are the real case use we
> could care about...
> Hilaire
> 2009/3/25 Bert Freudenberg<bert at freudenbergs.de>:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Gabriel Eirea<geirea at gmail.com>
>>> Date: 25. März 2009 01:03:31 MEZ
>>> To: iaep<iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org>
>>> Subject: [IAEP] "Flor de Ceibo" project
>>> Hi,
>>> The public university of Uruguay, Universidad de la República, is
>>> carrying out a project of support and observation of Plan Ceibal. Last
>>> semester, around 250 students visited schools around the country and
>>> implemented different activities with children, teachers and families
>>> around the XO.
>>> The experience is narrated in a 100-page report in Spanish which can
>>> be found at:
>>> http://www.flordeceibo.edu.uy
>>> I managed to translate the executive summary which I'm sending as an
>>> attachment. It describes strengths, weaknesses, demands and
>>> suggestions. I thought you may be interested in reading it.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Gabriel
>> I looked for Etoys references in the 100-page report:
>> http://www.flordeceibo.edu.uy/files/Informe%20Flor%20de%20Ceibo%202008.pdf
>> It was mentioned in two sections:
>> ==================
>> 5.6 Formación en XO
>> El discurso predominante, tanto en maestras de clase como en maestras
>> comunitarias, es que la formación en XO es muy deficitaria y escasa. Los
>> maestros son los que necesitan mayores apoyos para incorporar la herramienta
>> y para usarla al servicio concreto de cumplir con el programa. Parecería que
>> el formato de cursos brindado hasta el momento no es suficiente para el
>> desafío de incorporar diariamente la XO y cumplir los programas
>> curriculares, integrándola.
>> Transcripciones significativas sobre formación en XO:
>> “Estas maestras demandan más información sobre la computación. Y más
>> formación para su manejo. Hay programas a los cuales no saben manejar, por
>> ejemplo: los de matemáticas, etoys, etc. Creen que: falta más información
>> sobre el manejo y formación, tanto para ellas como para los padres.” (MC)
>> (machine translation)
>> 5.6 XO Training
>> The dominant discourse, both master teachers in a school community is that
>> XO training is very limited and deficient. Teachers are the ones who need
>> more incorporate support for the tool and to use the service to meet the
>> schedule. It appears that the format of courses offered so far is not
>> sufficient for daily challenge of incorporating the XO and meet the
>> curriculum, integrating it.
>> Transcripts significant training XO
>> "These teachers are demanding more information on the computer. And more
>> training for management. There are programs which can not handle, for
>> example: math, etoys, etc. They believe that: Further information on
>> handling and training, both for themselves and for parents." (MC)
>> ==================
>> ¿Cuánto, cómo y dónde se usa la XO?
>> En relación a los programas que ya traen las máquinas instalados, los más
>> usados por los niños son: write, turtle, tam tam, record, paint, speed y
>> etoys, aunque por lo general lo relacionan con las actividades de clase, al
>> igual que las búsquedas en internet de material de estudio. Los maestros
>> enfatizan los objetivos educativos como determinantes del uso que le dan a
>> la XO, generando actividades a partir de los juegos o los distintos
>> programas que tiene la máquina.
>> En el caso de las familias, la gran mayoría menciona el uso de internet para
>> distintas tareas: colaborar en la búsqueda de información solicitada por las
>> maestras, seguimiento del trabajo realizado por los niños y actividades
>> personales (juegos, correo electrónico, chateo). Algunas menciones sobre las
>> aplicaciones de las XO en familia se relacionan sobre todo con el programa
>> etoys, para escuchar la música que bajan, o el record para sacar fotos.
>> (machine translation)
>> How much, how and where to use the XO?
>> In relation to programs that bring the already installed machines, the most
>> commonly used by children are: write, turtle, tam tam, record, paint, speed
>> and etoys, although usually related to classroom activities, like searching
>> the internet for study materials. Teachers emphasize educational goals as
>> determinants of the use that give the XO generating activities from the
>> various games or software you have the machine.
>> In the case of families, most mention the use of internet for different
>> tasks: assist in the search for information requested by the teachers,
>> monitoring the work performed by children and personal activities (games,
>> email, chat). Some references on applications of the XO family is connected
>> with the program etoys, to play downloaded music, or record for taking
>> pictures.
>> ==================
>> IIUC the teachers want better training, and the children use Etoys at home
>> for playing MP3s (which the new pre-installed version does not support
>> anymore).
>> - Bert -

We can hope someday there will be a nice selection of ogg formated  
music available...
Meanwhile here is a site that do the conversion to ogg for you :-)


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