[Etoys] feedback regarding the paint tool in Etoys

K. K. Subramaniam subbukk at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 08:02:16 EDT 2008

On Thursday 02 Oct 2008 1:14:13 pm Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
> Regarding the use of Etoys in PC workstation, Suzanne Guyader a
> retired arts teacher told me she miss the thin pencil size for
> drawing.
Three options depending on how many such shapes she needs.

1. Use a 5x5 Rectangle (set its pensize to 1 and pendown to true) to leave 
1-pixel trail in a playfield by using its halo "move" button. Use "pickup" 
halo button to lift it. When the picture is ready, use "hand me .." button 
from the watcher menu of "pentrail graphic" tile in "pentrails" category of 
this playfield.

2. Create a Text object with "TinyPaint new openInHand" and press ALT+d. This 
will yield a small gray canvas for painting. Choose pensize and color from 
the halo "red" button. When done, use "grab morph" tool to carve out a sketch 
from it.

3. Attached picture shows how to create a custom "lasso style" button for 
sketches that require 1-pixel wide stampings. To create it,

1. Pick a scriptable button ("Press Me") from the Supplies
2. Bring up halo and click on lime-green script button
3. open up script menu
4. click on "show code textually"
5. Replace "^self" with the command shown. Press ALT+s to accept changes.
6. Close the script.
7. Rename button label if you like.

Now whenever the button is pressed, you get a '+' cursor. Use it like lasso 
tool to draw any figure. When done, you get a 1-pixel wide polygonal Etoy 
with transparent interior. This can be stamped repeatedly in a playfield.

FWIW .. Subbu
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