[Etoys] "Could not activate this xo" error

Tibi tiberiuturbureanu at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 06:05:18 EDT 2007

Hello everybody!

I followed the autoreinstallation steps discribed
here<http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Autoreinstallation_image>to upgrade the
firmware of my B2 machine to Q2c18 and to install the latest
528 build of XO system.
As Bert reported here <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/2315>, after all the
process worked just fine, after rebooting instead of entering XO GUI, it
said "Could not activate this XO" and the serail number.

Can anyone point me which is the latest build that works with the latest
olpc-auto.zip? Or maybe I've done smth wrong?? (which I doubt actually)

Thank you in advance.
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