[Etoys] EToys as textbook/exercise replacement ?

Orestis Markou orestis at orestis.gr
Fri Jul 6 12:59:42 EDT 2007

It seems interesting, but still I can't find how to develop for
Squeak. Is there a tutorial that explains the differences between
Squeak and Java/Python ? I'm feeling really dumb looking at Squeak. Is
it all drag & drop ?

I found out that I can drag & drop images (took me ages :), but I
really want to make an automated procedure since I have to port around
900 exercises, I don't want to do it by hand...

What should I do to run DrGeoII ? I downloaded an .mcz file, but I
can't do anything with it.

I really think there should be a tutorial for content developers on
the OLPC platform...


On 7/4/07, Hilaire Fernandes <hilaire at ofset.org> wrote:
> For what you want to do do, the Squeak Morphic interface is probably
> your best friend.
> The great benefice of Squeak is to let the user (or teacher) to
> combine independent user interface elements (Morph) to create very
> specific pedagogical content. Pierre André Dreyfuss and Suzanne
> Guyader have created such resources that way. When necessaries these
> elements can be programmatically glued together with EToys commands.
> See a few examples they are proposing there: http://ofset.org:8000/super/gallery
> The next interesting stage in this Smalltalk-o-Morphic paradigm
> (=Squeak) is to design additional Morph objects to simulate whatever
> you want and then use it in whatever Morphic assemblage you want. This
> is what is Kedama for particle, ODECo for gravity.
> Related to geometry, I have developed and recently enhanced DrGeoII,
> an interactive geometry canvas. You can see from there a screenshot of
> such a Morphic geometry canvas used in an Squeak-olpc book
> http://blog.ofset.org/hilaire/?post/2007/06/28/Le-squeak-pour-lOLPC
> Hilaire Fernandes
> 2007/7/3, Orestis Markou <orestis at orestis.gr>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've downloaded the image of EToys and I'm playing around in my
> > Windows PC, it works quite well.
> >
> > I want to create EToys projects that will replace the normal exercise
> > texbook. Most of the exercises just need to display the question,
> > provide a space for writing down, and a space for giving the final
> > answer. A few (like geometry) would need tools like a compass and
> > ruler, plus giving names to parts (like naming an edge of a triangle)
> > and so on. Maybe some animation will be used, but no scripting, and
> > there is no concept of grading in an automated sense.
> >
> > Now, for something like this, I'd use Flash in a web browser, but I've
> > been dictated to use the EToys platform. Is this the correct platform
> > ? Should I develop on EToys or should I drop in squeak ? I'd prefer
> > python to do this, as I'm much more versed in python than smalltalk...
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Orestis Markou
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