[Etoys] Example projects

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Thu Oct 26 18:54:47 EDT 2006

See http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Etoys#For_Developers

- Bert -

Am 27.10.2006 um 00:30 schrieb Milan Zimmermann:

> Bert,
> As a curiosity, is there a process to get and install the latest  
> image and
> projects on "regular" (non OLPC) linux; I know there is
> http://tinlizzie.org/olpc/sugar/rpm/ but I assume there is a CVS or  
> (or "git"?) repository somewhere where you are uploading this  
> stuff. Is it
> available to get the latest?
> Thanks Milan
> On 2006 October 26 15:41, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> I'm uploading these projects:
>>> <TurtleGeometry.001.pr>
>>> <SpeedAcceleration.001.pr>
>>> <MiddleOfRoad.001.pr>
>>> <Random Racing.002.pr>
>>> <ParticlesEpidemic.001.pr>
>>> <ParticlesGasModel.001.pr>
>>> <FollowRoad.001.pr>
>>> <JustPaintedCar.001.pr>
>>> <SteeringTheCar.002.pr>
>>> <CarAndPen.001.pr>
>>> <StartOfDTPDocument.001.pr>
>>> <BouncingBallAnimation.001.pr>
>>> <Make A Movie.001.pr>
>>> <BetterMovieUI.001.pr>
>>> <Ball Drop Analysis.001.pr>
>> They are installed under "/usr/share/etoys/ExampleEtoys". I'll also
>> add a "knownServers" file pointing to that directory. So if you press
>> "FIND", you will see two entries, "ExampleEtoys" and "My Etoys".
>> It would be good to also send thumbnail gifs next time, for now I
>> created those myself.
>> Bugs:
>> * MiddleOfRoad - last color must be green
>> * TurtleTrails - reset moves turtle relative to lower left, but
>> scripts are relative to upper left, so on the actual screen size the
>> turtle is behind a script after reset. Workaround: author at
>> 1200x900. Same for SpeedAcceleration
>> * Random Racing - had to rename to "RandomRacing" because Makefile
>> did not like the space, same for BallDropAnalysis
>> I fixed those bugs in the uploaded version.
>> - Bert -
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