[Etoys] Demon Castle Tutorials for eToys

Milan Zimmermann milan.zimmermann at sympatico.ca
Thu Oct 19 22:55:39 EDT 2006


These are really beautiful and funny!  And I feel they are easy to follow and 
learn from by a new user. My kids worked with eToys before, but I want to ask 
them to find a friend who did not, and go through the tutorials over the 
weekend, to test if there are places they get stuck.


(Also, as an potential consideration, I was thinking that for someone 
completely new to discover how to drop a tile onto scriptor may be hard, I 
wonder if it would make sense to consider ading "watch a movie how to do it" 
button just for that one step)

On 2006 October 18 11:58, Takashi Yamamiya wrote:
> Hi Kim,
> I uploaded latest Demon Castle tutorials for OLPC eToys.
> http://tinlizzie.org/olpc/tutorial/DemonCastle1.004.pr (handles)
> http://tinlizzie.org/olpc/tutorial/DemonCastle2.004.pr (painter)
> http://tinlizzie.org/olpc/tutorial/DemonCastle3.004.pr (scriptor)
> Only DemonCastle2.004.pr (painter) is changed from last time I sent. I
> added instruction with event recorder. Could you correct my English?
> I think text part is almost done. I will change graphics more.
> Cheers,
> - Takashi
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