XO's cannot use mirror repo's in YUM update or install

Carrol Riddle ebox382 at scishare.com
Sun Nov 10 15:15:55 EST 2019

Have been able to Yum install exfat files on my XO-1, but everywhere had to block mirrorline and use baseurl. 

Still do not know why mirrors do not work.

The baseurl for fedora.repo is http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/fedora/linux/$releasever/Everything/$basearch/os/

The baseurl for rpmfusion is http://archive.rpmfusion.org/free-archive/fedora/releases/$releasever/Everything/$basearch/os/

dl, download and archive all seem to work as first term in fedora path.

Modified the *-update.repo files similarly (but not same).

I had been using http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Gstreamer  method of installing rpmfusion,
but simpler and newer is:
wget -c download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-18.noarch.rpm
and rpm  -i rpmfusion-free-release-18.noarch.rpm

Removed extraneous rpmfusion  repos from /etc/yum.repos.d/

This effort was to allow installing Internet-in-a-Box on a larger SD for Raspberry Pi Zero W using only XO and the Zero.
Two external ports are needed and had previously used Pi 4 to prepare SD.
The single USB port on Zero is used for the connection to an XO using X11Forwarding for display, keyboard and shared WiFi (secondary to Zero W on-board WiFi or as primary for simple Zero).

Still looking for cause of YUM Mirrors failure.

Carrol Riddle

> On November 10, 2019 at 9:57 AM Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 5:29 AM Carrol Riddle <ebox382 at scishare.com> wrote:
> >
> > XO's attempting to run YUM update or install are unable to use fedora mirror sites (https://) but able to use primary fedora site (http://).
> >
> > Is this a matter of https vs http / ca-certificates or changes in mirror structures ?  Ca-certificates update have not been done, but could be done.
> >
> >  Running OLPC 13.2.10 with current date / time and hwclock -w to sync.
> >
> > Primaries used by editing /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo and commenting out mirrorlist line and uncommenting baseurl line (and adding "archive" to url path after /pub/).
> >
> > There are no entries in yum.log and error message is:
> > "Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: fedora/18/i386.  Please verify its path and try again."
> >
> > My specific case is trying to install rpmfusion in preparing to install exfat-utils and fuse-exfat ,  but occurs with other installs that have been done in the past.
> I'm guessing you might need to update for content that has been
> archived, I thought the mirror manager dealt with redirects
> automatically there but I don't know exactly.

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