Testing 40002au4.zd image on XO-4

Gonzalo Odiard godiard at sugarlabs.org
Sun Sep 14 22:54:00 EDT 2014

> > 1. Piano and Write not working.
> By Piano perhaps you mean MusicKeyboard activity.  Yes, I think this
> will be fixed in a new activity, I heard something about it privately.
> I already removed it from the OLPC build until it gets fixed.  It
> isn't in 41001o4.
> The Write activity did not work for me.  I removed it from the OLPC
> build until it gets fixed.  It isn't in 41001o4.  The activity log
> (see the Log activity) only shows a segmentation fault (error 11) and
> no detail.  I've not yet figured out what the problem is, but if
> somebody else figures it out first, great.  I don't really know where
> to look.

I am working on these...

A new MusicKeyboard activity will be released soon,
and already sent a patch to MusicPainter activity maintainer.

About Write, I am looking at the backtraces.

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