[UKids] "XO-1 classrooms" don't reliably connect to many/most Wifi AP's

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Sun Feb 9 18:41:27 EST 2014

On Sun, Feb 09, 2014 at 06:33:52PM -0500, Kevin Gordon Gmail wrote:
> Once the xo-1 ‎is successfully attached to an AP, does the mesh
> beaconing on those three channels on that box then potentially stop?


This can be proven using a wireless device with monitor mode, tcpdump,
and wireshark.  The probe responses from the MAC address of the XO-1s
are still present.

> I had my twelve xo -1s successfully attach to an AP, and run
> internet reliably, concurrently  . Powering up a virgin non-ap
> attached xo-1 is when I saw issues.

If you mean by issues; that the network name did not appear in the
neighbourhood view, then yes, this is what we are working on.

James Cameron

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