[UKids] "XO-1 classrooms" don't reliably connect to many/most Wifi AP's

T Gillett tgillett at gmail.com
Sat Feb 8 03:33:52 EST 2014

Hi All

It does appear (caveat: based on some _limited_  testing I have done today)
that switching off the XO-1 mesh networking will allow the XOs to connect
reliably to APs.

We can see that the 'last beacon' times immediately return to normal when
mesh is disabled on all the XOs.

The mesh operation can be disabled with the command :
   sudo echo 0 > /sys/class/net/eth0/lbs_mesh

This command can be added to /etc/rc.d/rc.local so that it is executed on
start up as the change is not persistent. Also needs to be done somewhere
in power.d for resume.

It must be noted however that mesh has to be switched off on *every* XO-1
in the area.
If even one XO-1 has mesh enabled, all the other XOs will have a problem

Also, of course, there is no mesh networking available between XOs, so an
AP has to be present for the XOs to collaborate.

I understand that some past implementations have disabled mesh for various
reasons, but it is obviously not a general solution.

A more general solution will require a greater understanding of the XO-1
mesh facility and some modification of it to make it more 'sociable'.


On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 5:25 PM, Bernie Innocenti <bernie at codewiz.org> wrote:

> I've seen XO-1s randomly drop off the AP in Paraguay.
> I *think* we solved it by disabling 802.11s (the mesh network). This can
> be done at boot time by setting a parameter of the libertas kernel module.
> Sorry for being vague, it's been a long time ago.
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