Announcing another early Android build for XO-4

forster at forster at
Mon Apr 7 16:27:24 EDT 2014


With 8686 wifi module, improved but still faulty.
On initial boot, when it gets to wifi, cycles DLINK connecting, DLINK  
not in range. Later, when trying to turn on wifi, the slider to enable  
wifi is toggling between off and on status on about one second cycle.  
(DLINK is wifi point name).


> An Android 4.3.1 (Jelly Bean) build for the XO-4 laptop.
> OLPC is preparing an Android, Sugar and Gnome dual-boot system for the
> XO-4.
> Our next development release of a dual boot build is available, with
> the following changes:
> - include Google services,
> - enable screen shot key combination, (press power, then X game key,
>   hold both for a second, release),
> - camera preview and shot works,
> - software codecs fixed,
> The build is based on our arm-3.5 kernel, with changes which can be
> found in the arm-3.5-android branch of our olpc-kernel repository.
> Note: the .zd file has the same name as previous releases.
> --
> James Cameron

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