[OLPC New Zealand] Auckland Testing Summary 25 May 2013

Deepak Muddha deepak at laptop.org.au
Wed May 29 14:29:06 EDT 2013

Thanks for the testing.

All the defects/enhancements were recorded in our tracker

On 25 May 2013 15:07, Tom Parker <tom at carrott.org> wrote:

> Auckland Testing Summary 25 May 2013
> Who: Alana, Barry, Charlotte, Fabiana, Hans, John, Oliver, Tabitha, Tom
> Testing olpc au build on XO-1.75 and dextrose on XO-4
> One Education OS 1.2 (build au891) on XO-1.75:
> The laptop fails to start with a white screen after choosing the name, age
> and colour if you enter a very large age. See https://sugardextrose.org/**
> issues/3973 <https://sugardextrose.org/issues/3973> After restarting you
> get another opportunity to enter the name, age and colour and things
> proceed normally if you enter a smaller age.
> Write 79
> Moa and Mohua - Sometimes you can’t toggle underline or bold if you select
> text across two lines. The behaviour here seems quite complex and not
> consistent. On one occasion we selected two lines and toggling underline
> caused the second line to toggle but not the first.
> Moa - Can insert picture, table, change colour and fonts.
> Collaboration on write between “nz” and “nzbuild”. Both laptops
> contributions are being added in black (previous builds have had different
> colours for different contributors). When highlighting some text and
> resizing it changed the colour (we did not touch the colour palette).
> Manage to hang write by clicking on the “export to hypertext button”. The
> export dialog did not appear, write still repainted the screen (covering
> and uncovering it caused the menu bars and documents to reappear), but
> clicking on buttons or writing in the document didn’t do anything. The log
> was very strange but unfortunately we didn’t get a copy of it at the time
> and the laptop appears to have deleted it. We were unable to reproduce this.
> Memorize - Collaboration in Memorize between “nz” and “nzbuild” failed
> first time on local area network wifi, but restarting and carrying out
> further tests could not reproduce. Both laptops tried initiating, played
> several games each time, and tried creating own game.
> Maze works on “nz”.
> Browse works on “Moa”.
> Implode works on “nz”.
> Typing Turtle works.
> Tried to do collaborative chat on adhoc networking. Laptops could see each
> other but the shared chat window doesn’t show up in either laptop’s
> neighbourhood view. Repeating this by closing the chat and opening it again
> causes things to work.
> Jam2Jam hangs every time every time you click the Regae button. It also
> hangs if you open it, click the keyboard button at the bottom and then
> click the stop button. In both cases it stops repainting it’s screen and
> consumes no cpu. There is nothing interesting in the log. Raised
> https://sugardextrose.org/**issues/3970<https://sugardextrose.org/issues/3970>
> The built in book The blue sky has very small text, and zooming in the
> browser makes it smaller because the the controls get bigger leaving less
> room for the page. Also the home button inside the page doesn’t seem to do
> anything.
> You can launch Record more than once. Any record started while another
> record has locked the camera just show a white screen in the preview.
> Perhaps record should refuse to start when it can’t get the camera. If you
> quit the first record and the quit the second record, the second record
> will hang. You can’t shut down the laptop after encountering this, it hangs
> on the goodbye screen.
> Did some collaboration testing in Record with two XOs. Both XOs took
> photos and the photos appeared on each others XOs successfully.
> Where should we raise Maori localisation issues?
> In Maori, Moon-13 fails to start and Clock-9 doesn’t speak. The days of
> the week are also written in English in Clock. We reported this in October:
> http://lists.laptop.org/**pipermail/olpc-nz/2012-**October/001640.html<http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc-nz/2012-October/001640.html>and for moon at least, Gary identified the problem in one of the following
> messages on the mailing list. Raised https://sugardextrose.org/**
> issues/3971 <https://sugardextrose.org/issues/3971>
> The confirmation dialog for removing an item from the journal is not
> translated properly, it has “Continue”.
> The names of items in the journal in Maori are all squashed up, see
> https://plus.google.com/**photos/118146064923365210751/**
> albums/5468706263336090945/**5881722567507197362?banner=**
> pwa&pid=5881722567507197362&**oid=118146064923365210751<https://plus.google.com/photos/118146064923365210751/albums/5468706263336090945/5881722567507197362?banner=pwa&pid=5881722567507197362&oid=118146064923365210751>and
> https://plus.google.com/**photos/118146064923365210751/**
> albums/5468706263336090945/**5881722567507197362?banner=**
> pwa&pid=5881722567507197362&**oid=118146064923365210751<https://plus.google.com/photos/118146064923365210751/albums/5468706263336090945/5881722567507197362?banner=pwa&pid=5881722567507197362&oid=118146064923365210751>for the same laptop in maori and english. Raised
> https://sugardextrose.org/**issues/3972<https://sugardextrose.org/issues/3972>
> The “Game Name” string in the Memorize is not localized to Maori.
> The “Click for Grouped Game” string in the Memorize is not localized in
> Maori
> The “Save Game”, “Load Game”, “New Game” string in Memorize is not
> localized in Maori
> In turtle art the “load example” context popup (hover over the 3rd to last
> button in the top toolbar) in maori shows “Uta …uira” even though there is
> plenty of room for more characters.
> Interestingly the first time you hover over activities in the activity
> ring, many of the activities, even those with short names like Ruler and
> Scratch, show a “shortened” name with … in the middle.
> XO-system 1a for XO-4 (build 34) on XO-4:
> You can’t cancel the About Me screen.


> Created this report in Google Docs with browse, everything worked well.
> How do you close a tab using the keyboard in Browse?


> Like the older build we’re testing on the XO-1.75, you can start multiple
> records. The first record locks the camera and the subsequent records
> display a white screen. However unlike in the XO-1.75, quitting the first
> one and then the second one does not cause the second record to freeze.


> We also spent quite a lot of time talking with Barry Vercoe about a
> deployment beginning at Manaia school, about the establishment of an OLPC
> NZ charitable trust, and how best we can support NZ deployments. Given the
> recent developments, we have asked Barry to join the olpc-nz mailing list
> to keep volunteers up to date, so volunteers can provide appropriate
> support.
> _______________________________________________
> OLPC-NZ mailing list
> OLPC-NZ at lists.laptop.org
> http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-nz


*Deepak Muddha
Software Test Engineer
One Laptop per Child Australia*
M: 91 8897367762
E: deepak at laptop.org.au
W: **www.laptop.org.au* <http://www.laptop.org.au/>* <deepak at laptop.org.au>*
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