switching libertas driver into AP mode in XO-1.75?

George Hunt georgejhunt at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 11:29:51 EDT 2013

Hi all,

Does anyone have knowledge about the feasibility of switching the
libertas_sdio driver on an XO-1.75 into Access Point mode? If so, is there
any documentation therefor?



(modinfo libertas shows:
schoolserver] library > modinfo libertas
license:        GPL
author:         Marvell International Ltd.
description:    Libertas WLAN Driver Library
vermagic:       3.0.19_xo1.75-20120803.1234.olpc.f49cd50 preempt mod_unload
parm:           libertas_debug:int
parm:           libertas_disablemesh:int

[schoolserver] library > modinfo libertas_sdio
license:        GPL
author:         Pierre Ossman
description:    Libertas SDIO WLAN Driver
firmware:       sd8688.bin
firmware:       sd8688_helper.bin
firmware:       libertas/sd8688.bin
firmware:       libertas/sd8688_helper.bin
firmware:       sd8686.bin
firmware:       sd8686_helper.bin
firmware:       libertas/sd8686_v8.bin
firmware:       libertas/sd8686_v8_helper.bin
firmware:       libertas/sd8686_v9.bin
firmware:       libertas/sd8686_v9_helper.bin
firmware:       sd8385.bin
firmware:       sd8385_helper.bin
firmware:       libertas/sd8385.bin
firmware:       libertas/sd8385_helper.bin
alias:          sdio:c*v02DFd9104*
alias:          sdio:c*v02DFd9103*
depends:        libertas
vermagic:       3.0.19_xo1.75-20120803.1234.olpc.f49cd50 preempt mod_unload
[schoolserver] library >
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