XO-1.5 build 885 no space in journal

David Leeming david at leeming-consulting.com
Wed Jun 12 01:50:37 EDT 2013

OK thanks James. For this project the only option is to delete the Spanish
Wikipedia and educate good Journal management - and how to install/erase
activities. A bit disappointing for the sponsor to have been shipped these
(only a month or so ago), I must say.


-----Original Message-----
From: quozl at us.netrek.org [mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org] On Behalf Of James
Sent: Wednesday, 12 June 2013 12:55 p.m.
To: David Leeming
Cc: 'OLPC Devel'
Subject: Re: XO-1.5 build 885 no space in journal

You can tell the size of each activity roughly like this, in Terminal,

	cd Activities
	du -s * | sort -n

This gives a list by activity, measured in 1k blocks.

The sizes of the activities in 13.2.0 ends with:

2836    Chat.activity
2888    Welcome.activity
3032    Memorize.activity
3204    Physics.activity
3408    TypingTurtle.activity
3664    Calculate.activity
3836    Pippy.activity
4088    InfoSlicer.activity
7956    MusicKeyboard.activity
12300   Help.activity
12752   TurtleBlocks.activity
15264   TamTamEdit.activity
21264   Speak.activity
62560   Scratch.activity
114556  Wikipedia.activity
116888  WikipediaEN.activity

Note the _two_ Wikipedia activities of around 100 MB.  One is Spanish,
the other is English.  You should consider whether your deployment
needs both language versions of the Wikipedia activity.

Yes, another option is to buy 4 GB or 8 GB microSD cards and open each
laptop to install them.  But there's a small risk of them not working
with the firmware ... we made sure the ones we used in manufacturing
did work.

I haven't evaluated 13.1.0 or 13.2.0 against a 2 GB size limit sorry.
But os885 is 745 MB compressed, and 13.1.0 is 791 MB compressed, and
13.2.0 is 794 MB compressed, so I can't see your problem getting any
better without you trimming the build in some way.

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 12:37:49PM +1100, David Leeming wrote:
> Thanks James. Seems that we got the 2GB version. How can I tell the size
> each Activity? 
> Maybe another option is to buy SDRAM cards for them and re-flash with the
> latest? We need those activities such as Wikipedia. Would you recommend
> 13.1.0 ?
> David 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quozl at us.netrek.org [mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org] On Behalf Of James
> Cameron
> Sent: Wednesday, 12 June 2013 11:50 a.m.
> To: David Leeming
> Cc: 'OLPC Devel'
> Subject: Re: XO-1.5 build 885 no space in journal
> G'day David,
> Build 885 is OLPC OS 11.3.1.  This release predated automatic sizing.
> Check which build file was used for installing.  If the os885.zd2 (2
> GB) file was used, then the symptom you report is likely.
> Check the size of the microSD cards inside the XO-1.5.  You can get
> this information from the firmware banner, or from the operating
> system.  There were three sizes possible; 2 GB, 4 GB and 8 GB.  The
> os885.zd2 would have worked okay with any of these sizes, but the
> remaining space would not be used.
> The later releases of OLPC OS, such as 12.1.0 and 13.1.0,
> automatically use the remaining space.
> If the microSD cards are only 2 GB in size, then your options are to
> either:
> - explain how to remove journal entries to conserve space,
> - delete activities, or;
> - remaster the build with a smaller set of activities.
> -- 
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.linux.org.au/

James Cameron

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