Testing Summary, Auckland - 23 June 2012
Gary Martin
garycmartin at googlemail.com
Sun Jul 15 08:45:39 EDT 2012
On 14 Jul 2012, at 23:52, Daniel Drake <dsd at laptop.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 2:43 AM, Tom Parker <tom at carrott.org> wrote:
>> Not quite 1 month late, I present for your eduction:
>> Auckland Testing Summary 23/06/12
>> Who - John, Fabiana, Tabitha, Tom
>> We tested Build 12.1.0 RC 2 (build 15) on XO-1.5 and XO-1.75.
>> Rosella: Geeze, need new glasses just to see what is going on! Tiny! I find
>> those kissy lips at the bottom of the frame really disturbing. Uploaded a
>> paint file fine to gdocs. Can open the image file and text file from google
>> docs on browser with no issue. Record - Well that is a very tiny window!
>> Created video on record and opened on jukebox, All good. Physics - Would be
>> useful to have an ‘erase all’ button. Takes me forever to clear the canvas
>> and of course can’t clear those outside of the screen which slow the
>> activity significantly. But I don’t seem to get that odd behaviour at the
>> top of the canvas reported in previous weeks. Turtle art seems ok. Measure -
>> both channels are active - seems all right. Labryinth seems ok saved to pdf
>> and png and could open -with read and image viewer - did not try inserting
>> stuff. Can’t shut down through right click
> Thanks for testing.
> I posted some tips for how to diagnose the font size issue on this
> laptop in response to a previous report.
> Anyway, I suspect we now know what it is: #12003.
> Please post the output of: cat /proc/device-tree/banner-name
> Physics 'remove all' suggestion & horrible lips: CCing Gary.
Thanks Daniel, yes this is the 2nd request for a delete all feature in Physics. It's an easy code addition (ignoring that we would need to redesign the primary toolbars to fit in an additional icon), but a dangerous one without an undo feature, allowing you to wipe everything with a single toolbar click is asking for trouble... Best we could do given that adding undo to Physics is not an easy task is to have the feature raise a confirmation alert.
Note that the Erase tool works like an eraser, you can scrub over the canvas with a 'line of death' removing many objects all in one quick scribble.
Thanks for the feedback, I'm hoping to get back to Physics feature work in the next cycle.
> Shutdown issue: at which point did it hang, or what was the exact
> response of the system? Build 18 fixes an issue where it could hang on
> shutdown at the "warning screen".
>> Hoiho
>> Memorize:
>> Start as new. Change game to 6x6. Stop. Start from journal. Expect 6x6 game
>> get 4x4 game.
> Thanks, filed as http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/3754
>> ivy:
>> Browse, works but open in new window from the right click menu does nothing.
> We need to fix this menu. This is http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/3455
>> Browse’s cutnpaste continues to be strange, with it not effecting the url
>> bar. You have to use the right click menu to do that
> Can you explain what you mean by this?
>> totem does not play .mp4, failing with a segfault.
> Is this file available somewhere?
>> Wikipedia-en has a lot of html source code visible. The page for Eduction
>> contains a <div class=”rellink relarticle mainarticle”> below every heading.
> Thanks, filed as http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/3755
> Daniel
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