Testing Summary, Auckland - 23 June 2012

Tom Parker tom at carrott.org
Sat Jul 14 04:43:14 EDT 2012

Not quite 1 month late, I present for your eduction:

Auckland Testing Summary 23/06/12
Who - John, Fabiana, Tabitha, Tom

We tested Build 12.1.0 RC 2 (build 15) on XO-1.5 and XO-1.75.

Rosella: Geeze, need new glasses just to see what is going on! Tiny! I 
find those kissy lips at the bottom of the frame really disturbing. 
Uploaded a paint file fine to gdocs. Can open the image file and text 
file from google docs on browser with no issue. Record - Well that is a 
very tiny window! Created video on record and opened on jukebox, All 
good. Physics - Would be useful to have an ‘erase all’ button. Takes me 
forever to clear the canvas and of course can’t clear those outside of 
the screen which slow the activity significantly. But I don’t seem to 
get that odd behaviour at the top of the canvas reported in previous 
weeks. Turtle art seems ok. Measure - both channels are active - seems 
all right. Labryinth seems ok saved to pdf and png and could open -with 
read and image viewer -  did not try inserting stuff. Can’t shut down 
through right click

Start as new. Change game to 6x6. Stop. Start from journal. Expect 6x6 
game get 4x4 game.

Record about 40 seconds of data from a variable resistor in Measure, the 
load it into simple graph. Strange slow loading of the graph, perhaps 2 
points per second. Is this intended or is it slow?

Had a keep while error recording data in Measure.

Loaded a 15kB file into simple graph and had it lock up. Eventually the 
data was displayed in the left hand column.

Browse - works

Browse, works but open in new window from the right click menu does nothing.

Browse still relucatant to open a google docs word processing document. 
Managed to get it to work on Ivy after 2 attempts, Moa failed every 
time, Rosella worked first time.

Browse’s cutnpaste continues to be strange, with it not effecting the 
url bar. You have to use the right click menu to do that

vmeta works after installing the gstreamer-plugins-marvell and 
libvmeta-mervell rpms. Are these rpms going to be part of the build or 
is there a license to be paid?

whaawmp works well.

Browse doesn’t really work on youtube, even when joining the html5 
trial, as speculated last week, I think because webm is supported but 
not accelerated. I spent some time examining the gstreamer documentation 
and did not find anything useful regarding turning off one format so 
browse does not advertise support for webm.

Jukebox does play h.264 video but badly, perhaps 1 frame per second. You 
have to change the file extension to .ogg instead of .mp4 even though 
the journal correctly identifies the .mp4 file as a video.

totem does not play .mp4, failing with a segfault.

Wikipedia-en has a lot of html source code visible. The page for 
Eduction contains a <div class=”rellink relarticle mainarticle”> below 
every heading.
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